It may interest you to know* that English is widely accepted around the world in business circles but sometimes the true meaning of some English phrases are hidden for all but those for whom English is the mother-tongue..and can lead to some confusion.
Try some of these for example..
English spoken: "I hear what you say"
Perception: "He understand and agrees with me"
Actual Meaning: "I disagree and will not discuss it any further"
English spoken: "This is in no sense a rebuke"
Perception: "I am not cross with you"
Actual meaning: "I am furious with you and letting you know it"
English spoken: "With the greatest respect"
Perception: "He is listening to me"
Actual meaning: "I think you are wrong (or a fool)"
English spoken: "Correct me if I'm wrong"
Perception: "Tell me what you think"
Actual meaning: "I know I'm right. Please don't contradict me"
English spoken: "That's not bad"
Perception: "That's poor or mediocre"
Actual meaning: "That's very good"
English spoken: "QUITE good" (with the stress on the "quite")
Perception: "Quite good"
Actual meaning: "Rubbish"
English spoken: "quite GOOD" (with the stress on the "good ")
Perception: "Quite good"
Actual meaning: "excellent"
English spoken: "Perhaps you would like to think about..."
Perception: "Think about the idea, but do what you like"
Actual meaning: " Just do it."
English spoken: "Do as much as you think is justifed"
Perception: "Do what you can"
Actual meaning: "Do it all"
English spoken: "Oh, by the way..."
What is understood: "This is not very important ..."
Actual meaning: "The primary purpose of our discussion is..."
English spoken: "I was a bit disappointed that."
Perception: "It doesn't really matter"
Actual meaning: "I am most upset and cross"
English spoken: "Very interesting"
Perception: "They are impressed"
Actual meaning: "I don't believe you"
English spoken: "Could we consider some other options"
Perception: "They have not yet decided"
Actual meaning: "I don't like your idea"
English spoken: "I'll bear it in mind "
Perception: "They will probably do it"
Actual meaning: "I will do absolutely nothing about it"
English spoken: "Please think about that some more"
Perception: "It's a good idea, keep developing it"
Actual meaning: "It's a bad idea: don't do it"
English spoken: "I'm sure it's my fault"
Perception: "It was somebody else's fault"
Actual meaning: "It is your fault!"
English spoken: "That is an original point of view"
Perception: "They like my ideas!"
Actual meaning: "You must be mad"
English spoken: “I’m sure you'll get there eventually”
Perception: “Keep on trying; they agree I'm on the right track”
Actual meaning: “You don't stand a chance in hell”
*Read this now and don't forget it!!